High Low dress

High Low dress

High Low dress[show_shopthepost_widget id=”173236″]

As the weeks pass by, (I won’t lie) it gets harder and harder to keep up, and post on the blog, especially since I am planning my Barcelona trip (can’t wait to be back home)! But if you want to keep up with my adventures please follow me on Instagram! If you already follow me on it, you would know by now that these Nike Athea Air Maxx are my latest splurge (and I literally cannot take them off), you would also know that my style is a bit compromised due to my growing belly therefore dresses are my best friend;) This high low dress from Target is easy breezy, which is why this comfy chic look works to perfection for my evening city strolls with my hubby;)

Washington DC Men's Style Men's Style[show_shopthepost_widget id=”173248″]

My hubby’s style is one of the many wonderful traits that made me fall for him:) Here he is answering work emails (or texting friends about soccer;) While he was busy doing that I managed to steal a few shots, to share his casual style with all of you! I’m tempted to get those Converse high tops for myself

High Low dress

High Low dress

High Low dress

High Low Dress



I’m Haya a Georgian/Israeli girl, living between Barcelona and DC. GoodGoodGorgeous is my virtual diary about fashion, friends, travels, and other things that inspire me and keep me busy. Feel free to write to me in Spanish, English, French, Dutch, and Hebrew! all photos are taken by my hubby, and sometimes dear friends and family!

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