As I write this post, it has been exactly a month and a week since the birth of our little angel Liel. She has brought so much light and love into our home and hearts, that I truly sound corny but it is absolutely the utter truth. It seems like she has been here forever, like I was pregnant a life time ago, and so much has happened within this past month, but I also think the sleepless nights contribute to my feelings of time expanded, since I am awake during both day and night:) Before Liel’s birth we had a staycation planned at the Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos, they invited to experience a weekend in their fabulous hotel, and to pamper me before the baby arrived. But God’s plan was different, and I went into labor the Tuesday night before that weekend, but I wasn’t about to give up on a weekend of fun for our family and we headed to the hotel two weekends ago and had a fabulous time of course:)
I fell in love with the fresh new look of the hotel, those of you who follow me on Instagram and Pinterest are more than aware of my passion for design and especially interior design. I love to always show you guys my favorite spots in the city, and that of course includes hotels! So if you are planning a trip to Barcelona, this Fairmont location is HOT! It has everything from sleek bedrooms, Le Labo goodies, delicious food, pool life with one children’s pool offering fabulous Balinese beds, and a second adult pool! What more can you ask for?