My LooksWinter Style

Cappuccino on a Sunday

By January 21, 20142 Comments

Chambray & faux fur

Some of you might remember my first post in these series of Fashion & Food, when I posted my Wai Ming look at Le Diplomate, so I decided to continue and share with all of you more of my favorite spots in DC to sip on a tasty cappuccino or dine exquisitely! Sunday is the day my hubby and I love to hang out, get brunch, go to a museum, meet friends/family, or simply go on a walk and get a cup of cappuccino or cortadito in one of our favorite local café’s such as Ted’s Bulletin.

Chambray & faux fur


Chambray & faux fur

I am sure that some of you may find it just as challenging as I do, to dress right in this ubearable cold, some days I find myself wearing the warmest pieces in my closet without even caring if they look right together or not! But I am getting better at combining my garments, and getting the right look for these winter icy days… This Sunday I wore my grey chambray shirt, with plaid trousers by BLANK NYC, brown suede knee high boots, my faux fur, and my petite Céline clutch, with rings by Svelte Metals and Upper Metal Class. Stay Warm!!!

Rings & bordeaux nails

Chambray & faux fur

Aqui teneis otro de mis “Fashion & Food series looks”, este domingo mi marido y yo fuimos a tomarnos un cafecito en uno de nuestros restaurantes preferidos Ted’s Bulletin. Los domingos siempre los reservamos como un dia “relax”, para pasear, quedar con amigos o familia…

Chambray & Faux fur

knee high boots

chambray & knee high boots


Con el frio que hace aqui en DC, la mayoria de las veces no se ni que ponerme, simplemente me pongo todas las piezas mas invernales que tengo en el armario, y salgo de la puerta (pareciendo una loca), pero ultimamente (ya que este frio es interminable) estoy mejorando en cuanto a vestirme para el gran invierno! Espero que os guste este look, con mi blusa chambray gris, mi abrigo “faux fur”, mi pantalon tartan de BLANK NYC, mis botas marrones de Uterqüe, y mi nuevo mini clutch de Céline, con anillos de Svelte Metals y Upper Metal Class

Chambray & knee high boots

Chambray blouse

Chambray blouse Chambray blouse Chambray blouse

Celine clutch & YSL lipstick

Chambray blouse

Chambray blouse

Chambray blouse

Ted's Bulletin

Men's Style

Men's Style

Chambray & faux fur Chambray & faux fur Chambray & faux fur



I’m Haya a Georgian/Israeli girl, living between Barcelona and DC. GoodGoodGorgeous is my virtual diary about fashion, friends, travels, and other things that inspire me and keep me busy. Feel free to write to me in Spanish, English, French, Dutch, and Hebrew! all photos are taken by my hubby, and sometimes dear friends and family!


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