Similar trousers by Asos
The adventures of pregnancy continue in our daily routine, my hubby and me are trying to take it as easy as we can, enjoy every moment, kick, and emotions that come with this exciting time, as well as other issues that arise… One issue is traveling, where is safe or not safe to go, when could I travel, will I be comfortable, or not??? But at the same time it is all so new, and I have to adapt and adjust to the situations as they come up, and after all it’s only a few more months and then all the “sacrifices” will make sense, and will be MORE than worth it! Another issue is can I wear prints while pregnant??? The answer is HELL to the yea;) All I hear is restrictions, in what to eat or not, where to go or not, exercise, etc… But I will not take no for an answer when it comes to my personal style:) So when I saw Raoul’s new collection, inspired by artistic prints, I fell in LOVE! I have been a fan of Raoul’s designs and garments for a while, it’s always so easy to wear and casual yet feminine, my favorite combination! So I decided to go for this Wave print head to toe…
Por fin tengo el momento de escribiros en Español, y no solo en Ingles! Ya que estas ultimas semanas han sido un poco locas! Como ya habeis visto estoy mas que embarazada y posando con mis looks de pre-mama! Espero que os guste, y lo disfruteis tanto como yo;)! Aqui teneis mi ultimo look! Es de la nueva coleccion de Raoul! Cuando una se queda embarazada hay tantas “reglas” de que hacer, lo que no hay que comer, ejercicios que no se pueden hacer, etc… Pero en cuanto a nuestro estilo personal, creo que es importante poder crear looks, y vestirnos de la manera que nos hace sentir bien con nosotras mismas y con nuestro nuevo cuerpo! Disfrutarlo a tope, sin pensarnoslo demasiado;)! Espero que os guste este look…
Love love the print! It works so well with the bump… xx
Thanks so much Eli! Besos