Shoedazzle never seizes to surprise me, for those of you who know my style you know I love to mix high and low, and this is a perfect example! As much as I love investing in my special garments, I also love when I don’t spend a lot on a garment, and it’s design and quality are perfection! So when I got these Carlie red heels to ring in the new year with style, I was more than Happy with my choice! Don’t they remind you of the Valentino studded style heels? I cannot wait to wear these out, not only for NYE, but I am also envisioning casual denim looks for dinner, or house parties, we all know how many of those are coming up in this season… It is also a tradition in Spain to wear something red the night of NYE, usually it’s lingerie (which I will also make sure to wear;) but this time I have also chosen to stand tall in red heels!
El rojo para mi simboliza el nuevo año, suerte y prosperidad, como much@s de vosotros sabéis en España vestirse de rojo en el año nuevo supuestamente nos traera suerte! Y por ello desde pequeña siempre me pongo algo rojo, normalmente es lenceria, pero este año tambien me pngo tacones rojos;) Estos son los Carlie de Shoedazzle! Ya me imagino celebrando el 2014 a lo alto, con estos taconazos!