My LooksSummer Style

Barcelona on My mind

By May 16, 2013November 13th, 2013No Comments

Maxi Skirt and White Tee

Similar white tee by American Vintage, similar pleated maxi skirt on, similar pleated maxi skirt by Piperlime, similar white bag by ASOSRay Ban avisators 

Maxi skirts makes me happy, they are perfect for any occasion and it is definitely a quick fix for a chic daytime or evening look! As some of you may know red is one of my very fave colours, it exudes power and femininity, and makes your look pop up no matter what, and mixing it with gives it a softer touch! I decided to strut around the streets of El Borne in Barcelona, wearing this look with my summer Joanna Maxham bag. Oh how I miss thee Barcelona…

Maxi Skirt and White Tee

Maxi Skirt and White Tee

Las faldas maxi son una de mis prendas preferidas en mi armario, te pones una falda maxi y tienes un look chic, de dia o de noche para cualquier ocasion! Y como ya muchas de vosotras sabeis uno de mis colores top es el rojo, un color fuerte y femenino que siempre te hace destacar, y estilizar este color con el blanco le da un toque suave y perfecto para la primavera! En mi ultimo viaje a Barcelona decidi ponerme este look para un paseo por el Borne, con mi bolso de Joanna Maxham… Cuanto te echo de menos Barcelona…

Maxi Skirt and White Tee

Maxi skirt and white tee in Barcelona



I’m Haya a Georgian/Israeli girl, living between Barcelona and DC. GoodGoodGorgeous is my virtual diary about fashion, friends, travels, and other things that inspire me and keep me busy. Feel free to write to me in Spanish, English, French, Dutch, and Hebrew! all photos are taken by my hubby, and sometimes dear friends and family!

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